Alyssa Alhadeff
Freshman | 14
“She believed in people for being so honest. A knife is stabbed in my heart. I wish I could of taken those bullets for you. I will always love you and your memory will live on forever.”
— Lori Alhadeff, Alyssa’s mother

Scott Beigel
Geography teacher and cross country coach | 35
Was shot and killed after unlocking his door and letting students in to hide from the gunman. “I am alive today because of him. If I could see him right now … I’d give him a huge teddy bear to say thank you. But, unfortunately, I can’t do that.”
— Kelsey Friend, a student at the school

Martin Duque
Freshman | 14
“He was sweet, affectionate and loved by his entire family. But above all else, he was my little brother.”
— Miguel Duque, Martin’s brother

Nicholas Dworet
Senior | 17
“He was very positive and a very cheerful person. He was always trying to encourage people to push themselves to the limit. He was very dedicated and determined with swimming and he was a very kind person.”
— Guillermo Barrios, teammate

Aaron Feis
Asst football coach and security guard | 38
“He selflessly shielded students from the shooter when he was shot. He died a hero and he will forever be in our hearts and memories.”
—MSD Football Team

Jaime Guttenberg
Freshman | 14
“You grew up to be the most beautiful, kind-hearted, driven, funny and sweet girl. You went out of your way to make everyone feel good and that smile… that smile lit up every single room you walked into… My sweet baby cousin, may you sleep with the angels tonight and always.”
— Alexa Saka, Jaime’s cousin

Chris Hixon
Athletic director and wrestling coach | 49
“We heard he tried to disarm the shooter. He always put others ahead of himself… He just loved teaching and coaching kids and watching them grow up. Many tears have been shed; that’s what he meant to everybody. I’m going to try to be more like Chris.”
— Dan Jacob, athletic director and wrestling coach at Coral Springs High

Luke Hoyer
Freshman | 15
“Tears will never show you how much I loved Luke. He had a whole life ahead of him and now I live through him. I love you so much buddy!”
— Grant Cox, Luke’s cousin

Cara Loughran
Freshman | 14
“RIP Cara, and fly with the angels. You will be greatly missed, and we will always love you and celebrate your beautiful life.”
— One of Cara’s neighbors

Gina Montalto
Freshman | 14
“Gina was a special girl who melted every heart with her infectious smile that lit up a room. She was instant friends with everyone she met… She was a kind spirit, always eager to lend a helping hand. She was a member of her school Color Guard – a team which she loved dearly, a Girl Scout, and active member in her local church.”
— Jennifer & Tony Montalto, Gina’s parents

Joaquin Oliver
Senior | 17
“Everybody loved him. He would always support people. He’d go to the games and cheer them on. He was a hype man. His personality could not be matched.”
— David Daboin, family friend

Alaina Petty
Freshman | 14
“It’s impossible to sum up all that Alaina is and all that she means to her family and friends. You could not escape her innate sense right and wrong, but you never felt that she was judging you. She just wanted to be your friend.”
— Ryan Petty, Alaina’s father

Meadow Pollack
“Everyone should know how great she was. She was a beautiful girl, inside and out.”
— Jake Maisner, Meadow’s cousin

Helena Ramsay
“Helena was a smart, kind hearted, and thoughtful person. She was deeply loved and loved others even more so.”
— Curtis Page Jr., a family member

Alex Schachter
“He never didn’t have a smile on his face. I really wanted them to know that Alex is a special person. He’s the only person I know that I’ve never seen sad.”
— Brett Lickerman, Alex’s friend

Carmen Schentrup
Senior | 16
“She was a National Merit finalist, but unfortunately the letter arrived in the mail the day after she passed, so she never knew that. She was going to change the world, and I’m sure of that. But she doesn’t have the chance now.”
— Ariana Ortega, Carmen’s friend

Peter Wang
Freshman | 15
A member of the ROTC program who was seen holding a door open for fleeing students. “He is so brave. He is the person who is genuinely kind to everyone. He doesn’t care about popularity. He always liked to cheer people up. He is like the big brother everyone wished they had. He is so funny, caring and selfless.”
— Lin Chen, Peter’s cousin
Stand with Parkland.
Stand Strong Against Violence In America’s Schools.